How To Take A Link From A Chainsaw Chain In 2022

Chainsaw chains are a loop of sharpened steel which cuts through any material it touches. Although it is designed to cut large trees or other wood objects, this power tool can also be used for other purposes such as removing bricks or cutting firewood.

This guide will teach you how remove a link from a chainsaw chain without damaging the saw and yourself. If everything goes well, this is a simple job for anyone with any experience. It should take no more than three minutes.

Following These Steps Should Make It Easy To Take A Link From A Chainsaw’s Chainsaw Chain.

Step 1 :

Gather your materials by gathering oil, a rag and your manual, if any, as well as the chainsaw with the damaged link. If you have any additional information about your saw that could help to clear your link, be sure to get this information.

Step 2 :

Turn it counterclockwise to remove the bar oil cap. This can be left to one side. There has been no change to the bar, as it is.

Oil The Chain

Take some slack off your pull cord or chainsaw rope and spray some WD-40 on it. Spray enough to cover the entire area without getting soggy.

Relax And Soak

Find the first cog on your chainsaw chain, and place your oil-soaked cloth over it. Pull as tight as you can on your chainsaw pull cord to hold the first cog. Now, turn counterclockwise using a screwdriver. It should feel like there is tension once you reach it. If not, continue spinning until you do.

Find Cogs And Oil Next Cog

You can lubricate the second cog using any oil. WD-40 is a good choice because it’s easy to clean up. Release the tension from your pull cord or chainsaw rope so that the cog, which you have just pushed in with a screwdriver or flat object, returns to its original position. Now you should see the broken link in your chain. How to take a Link

Lube Second Cog

Grab your pliers, and slide them in the loop of metal that was attached to the other link. Push one side down until it pops off, then pull it out completely. Do not hurt yourself if this is too difficult.

You Have The Right To Use

Use a screwdriver, or another thin tool, to stick your object between the chain and the link. Push the screwdriver down against the broken side. You should now have enough room to remove the second cog.

Use A Screwdriver To Open Up Space

Pull your newly oiled cog towards you, until it falls out of its place. There is a small gap between the two cogs. No more links are attached.

Take Out The First Cog

Place your pliers in that opening, and then pull as much tension as you can away from the saw blade of the chainsaw.

Tip: While you can use either your dominant or off-hand hand, it is best to push with your offhand. Safety is the most important thing.

Grab Slack

As shown, slide one end of the pliers into this space. Then use your offhand to brace those teeth. Do not pull too hard at once, as this can cause the chain to snap in half.

Keep Your Pliers Close

You should not have any trouble removing a link from a chainsaw’s chainsaw chain if you move slowly and steadily. Continue doing this until the link is completely free and falls off your saw. Enjoy the extra power you have now.

Benefits Of Taking A Link From A Chainsaw Chain

A few extra links can be taken from a brand-new chainsaw to increase performance, prevent injury and kickback, reduce vibration, minimize fatigue, and improve comfort during use. We will go over each benefit in detail below.

1. Speedy Cutting

Anyone who uses the saw for this purpose immediately notices an increase in cutting speed. Even users with smaller saws (under 50cc), can cut through larger trees much faster.

2. Saw Kickback Reduction

A chainsaw’s main benefit is to reduce vibration and fatigue. The engine no longer has the inertia of a longer, heavier chain spinning at higher RPMs.

Even smaller saws, 20-30cc, can see the improvement. You can reduce or eliminate kickback by removing links. This will allow you to make a more precise cut against your body every time you lower the bar.

This prevents accidental contact with branches or limbs nearby, which is another common cause for injury among chainsaw operators.

3. Increased Comfort/Reduced Fatigue

It is possible to remove only one or two links from a chainsaw, which will reduce the chance of the chainsaw’s long chain bouncing off the ground. This can cause fatigue and bruising. This can be easily seen on smaller saws (20cc) and reduces vibrations on larger saws.

4. Performance Improvement

Most chainsaws will perform well if you only remove one link. In some cases, however, removing the first few links from a brand-new chainsaw can increase its power by as much as 50%.

This process can make saws that are older or less well-maintained more susceptible to this effect, resulting in a reduction of 1/3 in cutting speed.

5. Increase Saw Chain Life Expectancy

You can cut down the time it takes for a chainsaw to dullen by reducing the number of links. The theory is that every link in a chainsaw can cut through wood as well as the other links.

A brand-new chainsaw will last almost as long if you only remove one or two.

6. Keep Each Cut Closer To Your Body

You can remove a few links from a chainsaw chain to naturally move the engine and drive sprocket away from your body each time you lower the bar. This can help prevent accidents caused when branches you didnt fully see ahead of time contact your/ankle/knee/foot/etc. During a cut.

7. Vibration Reduced

You can reduce vibrations after every downward stroke of the cutting bars by removing just one or two links. This will result in less fatigue, and greater comfort when you are using the chainsaw for extended periods of time.

This is especially noticeable with smaller engines (20cc) or lower.


There are many ways to remove a link from a chainsaw chain. Because it’s easier and more secure than the other methods, the first method should be preferred.

If one doesn’t have a rivet extractor, or a drill capable of mounting the riveting tool on a wall, then a drill press equipped with a gear puller is probably their best option. If they find this too difficult or impossible, they can heat the rivet to melt.